Thursday 21 November 2013



Nyle and I met up to discuss what we were going to do for our experimental film to go alongside the sound piece named DubSteel which was close to being finished completely. The influence behind Nyle's piece was the steelworks as he used to work in that industry when he was younger. The sounds he used were of metal hitting the anvil for example and other metal noises, but then with a modern twist because it was made into a dubstep piece with things added on and layered over each other or repeated in a quick beat.

We came up with the idea of having something in the film that contrasted with the sounds the audience are hearing but also complimented the theme and so we thought of having a ballet dancer. This inspired us to change the music slightly by adding in some operatic-style singing. 

Steelworks are dull, grey, ominous and dangerous places full of hard manual labour and repetition; so because the dancer was going to be doing ballet we wondered how we too could make something so delicate also seem dangerous and therefore came up with the idea that we would use a fire dancer. 

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