Thursday 12 December 2013



When it came to editing the footage it was great because we had got a lot of footage from the day because we didn't have the opportunity to go back and film again so we really had to make sure we got everything that we needed. We also filmed quite long shots so had the ability to chop them down and use the parts we needed of one particular clip not necessarily with the rest of it. We decided that the film was to be edited fast and choppy to go along with the pace of the sound, when Laura is doing the ballet dancing it was accompanied by the singing noises; and when she was using the fire or angle grinder it is when the music is deeper. Also there are a lot of wobbles in it which meant some clips could be repeated over and over. We included some of the footage from the laptops that was playing in the background that flashes in between the clips to remind the audience where the influence is to the film.

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