Monday 9 December 2013



Yesterday we went to film all the footage we would need with the dancer Laura Gregory. We went to Nyle's workshop in Rotherham and used a dance studio for the setting. It had all black walls and a huge mirror covering one wall.

 Laura brought along a lot of props for us to choose which ones we wanted her to use and as a costume brought a ballerinas tutu and a black leather jacket, the tutu was for the normal ballet dancing and the fire dancing and the jacket for when she did the angle grinding.

We used two cameras and each filmed from a different angle. Nyle was filming a frontal view of Laura whilst I was at the side moving around and getting other angles and shots handheld. I experiemented with close-ups and focusing.

We filmed inside the studio and then went outside  with the background as a huge brick wall with some graffiti on it to add another modern twist to the film. The wall created the perfect backdrop to Laura's shadow, as she moved the fire around her, her shadow was projected onto the wall behind her and moved around like another dancer was there. We also had the help of two guys from our course who were in the film operating the laptops with the footage on. We also got to work with a Go-Pro camera which gave us a lot of interesting and unusual angles from when it was strapped to Laura, epecially with the sparks shooting past it.

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