Friday 27 February 2015

CPR Make-Up Practice

Make-Up Practice

I went round to my friends house and we practiced doing make up on each other but the make-up I already owned and hers wasn't very bright and didn't look as surreal or unusual as I had hoped it would, but i thought it would look better with a white or a pale pink base so that the other colours of the eye shadow would show up better. I took a few pictures anyway and then arranged to go shopping with the group to get some proper face paint and look for the teaser we needed.

Thursday 26 February 2015

CPR Finishing First Session

Finishing First Session

We came back in today to finish off the first stage of the set. We had to carry on wallpapering and finish off the stripes on the walls where the masking tape was. At first, we struggled with getting to grips with the wallpapering and found it difficult to keep in line when painting but we got the hang of it and swapped around so each of us got to try everything and by the end of the day we had done the walls of the set. 

For the wallpaper, i thought it would look good if we used lots of different patterns and styles to make it look busy, and so thought we could use the pink paper (as there was the most of that colour) for the top layer and then use all the brighter and more colourful patterns underneath. The idea was that whoever lived there changed their mind a lot and redecorated but then changed their mind again and decided they liked the pattern they had covered; and so they ripped the top layer so the old pattern showed through and I  think it works well. 

Monday 23 February 2015

CPR First Session

First Session

After our introduction to the workstation we set about creating our set. Starting with the three boards we put them together with their back piece and secured them and added weights so they wouldn't fall. This presented challenges as some of the boards did not fit even though they were numbered, and so a couple of times we had to drill a new hole ourselves so that the back would fit on. Once we had put the boards in place we had to strip the remaining wallpaper from when other people had used it. 

Dani and Chris did this while Harry, Amy and I looked at what wallpaper we would be using ourselves and what colour paints we wanted. We decided to go with my idea of painting stripes to add to the confusion and business of our set and so we used masking tape to plot the lines and make them all different sizes. We started with green red and purple paint as we wanted it to clash and be really bright.

Monday 16 February 2015

CPR Forming our Group

Forming our Group

We got into groups in the second session but Amy wasn't in and Dani had to leave early so we didn't really get a chance to properly discuss each other's ideas apart from briefly with Chris and Harry near the end of the lesson. None of us really had a fully formed idea yet so we were looking forward to talking with Dani and Amy to see what they were thinking of doing. I set up a Facebook group and added all the members and we posted our initial thoughts but didn't settle on anything properly, we were going to discuss it properly in the next session. We finished our mood boards in this session and Dani, Amy and I discussed our ideas properly with each other after having talked it through with Susannah. Although Chris and Harry weren't in to properly decide on an idea as a group we decided to work towards Amy's idea of somebody coming out of a teapot as Susannah was keen to see how we would tackle the scaling aspect and the use of green screen. We talked about how we could include different aspects of everyone's ideas such as using my idea of makeup and Dani wanted blood dripping from the walls (this would all count as our special effect). We posted in the group that we were going to persue the teapot idea and Chris and Harry were fine with that.

Sunday 1 February 2015

CPR Creative Project Realisation Introduction

Creative Project Realisation Introduction 

The theme of this module is 'the uncanny' which means something is not quite right, it is strange and my initial idea for this was to use actors who are identical twins. Not that all identical twins are creepy but if you use them in such a way you can give the effect that it is strange. 

You could use them in different ways; either as two separate people or as one and use a fake mirror or as if they are imagining it or seeing themselves etc. The first thing that I thought of as inspiration was the use of the two young girls in The Shining that were used in cutaways in a corridor and it was unsettling for the viewer.

I also like the idea of using body paint or make-up to change someones appearance dramatically so they resemble something else, or so they look like they are inside out. This could be incorporated into the idea of using two people where one has the paint or make-up on and the other looks normal and then they inexact with each other, either using the mirror or without. This idea could be created using one person and then using a green screen to film them twice in the same space.