Thursday 26 February 2015

CPR Finishing First Session

Finishing First Session

We came back in today to finish off the first stage of the set. We had to carry on wallpapering and finish off the stripes on the walls where the masking tape was. At first, we struggled with getting to grips with the wallpapering and found it difficult to keep in line when painting but we got the hang of it and swapped around so each of us got to try everything and by the end of the day we had done the walls of the set. 

For the wallpaper, i thought it would look good if we used lots of different patterns and styles to make it look busy, and so thought we could use the pink paper (as there was the most of that colour) for the top layer and then use all the brighter and more colourful patterns underneath. The idea was that whoever lived there changed their mind a lot and redecorated but then changed their mind again and decided they liked the pattern they had covered; and so they ripped the top layer so the old pattern showed through and I  think it works well. 

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