Sunday 1 February 2015

CPR Creative Project Realisation Introduction

Creative Project Realisation Introduction 

The theme of this module is 'the uncanny' which means something is not quite right, it is strange and my initial idea for this was to use actors who are identical twins. Not that all identical twins are creepy but if you use them in such a way you can give the effect that it is strange. 

You could use them in different ways; either as two separate people or as one and use a fake mirror or as if they are imagining it or seeing themselves etc. The first thing that I thought of as inspiration was the use of the two young girls in The Shining that were used in cutaways in a corridor and it was unsettling for the viewer.

I also like the idea of using body paint or make-up to change someones appearance dramatically so they resemble something else, or so they look like they are inside out. This could be incorporated into the idea of using two people where one has the paint or make-up on and the other looks normal and then they inexact with each other, either using the mirror or without. This idea could be created using one person and then using a green screen to film them twice in the same space.

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