Monday 23 March 2015

CPR Editing


Editing was difficult as only Chris was familiar with the programme and the process of masking and greenscree etc so it was a learning curve for the whole group to go through the different aspects of how to use it. Harry seemed to understand it well so he took a lead in actually using the software. 

Heres an example of what I managed to acheive in the session with Susannah's help and the notes I made about the buttons and changes I made;

Monday 16 March 2015

CPR Green Screen Session

Green Screen Session

Today we were back in the workstation but in the greenscreen room and we needed to film Dani as if she was inside the teapot and then her falling out and then her standing up in the cup she had 'fell in'.

We started with a wide shot of Dani asleep on the floor and the standing up as if she didn't know where she was and was exploring her surroundings trying to climb up the sides and then seeing the light (the spout) and climbing towards it. We managed to fashion a slope out of stairs and lots of cushioning so Dani could climb up it without it obviously looking like stairs, and it wasn't high so she could fall off the end as if she was leaving the spout. 

We then spun the stairsa round and filmed on a side angle so we could use it against the wide shot of the set and make it look like she was coming out of the spout from the outside. 

The last shot we got was on her standing up and looking round and the focusing on one point and looking up and scared. This was so we could use it with a mask in front of a cup and make it look like she had fell in and was standing and surveying the set and then realising she was seeing a big version of herself.

Monday 9 March 2015

CPR First Filming Session

First Filming Session

We were first to film so we realised that since we had some final dressing of the set to do we didn't really leave ourselves enough time for the application of the makeup and we didn't actually decide who was going to be in it so Dani volunteered and Amy put some makeup on her while Harry, Chris and I added the flowers to the walls and used the small saucers that had been painted in a sort of mobile, tieing them with string and hanging them front a piece of wood over the corner of the set. Again, this was all to make the audience not know where to look because there would be so much going on and so much to look at. 

Harry set up the lights while Amy and I positioned the camera. We only wanted to get a couple of wide shots from one angle and hold it for a long amount of time to make it easier in the edit to use because we would be adding the smaller version of Dani. We got a couple of close-up shots of Dani's face, in hindsight this would have really emphasised the makeup had we had the time to really do it properly, and we got a couple of cloe-up shots around the set that we could use as cutaways.

We also had to use a Go Pro to film inside the teapot so we could use it in the edit to add to the greenscreen footage we will film next week. We put it in a teacup too and filmed Dani in the set from that angle so as to give the effect little Dani was looking at her and that was what was being captured but after reviewing the footage not only was it too low but there was a red flashing light on the front on the GoPro that you could see reflected on the ceramic. We plan to refilm inside the teapot again next week when we film the greenscreen stuff and just tape up the light. 

Monday 2 March 2015

CPR Second Set Session

Second Set Session

During the second session in the workstation we decided to add more lines in more colours to the stripes wall and Amy and Dany started to paint the clocks in lots of colour and patterns, and Harry and I went to Wilkinsons where we bought 4 teacups and saucers as well as lots of fake flowers in different colours to use somewhere around the set. I had material at home that i brought to use on the table. When we got back from the shop we helped painting some clocks and picture frames and then decided where to put them on the wall and added nails ready for when the paint was dry.   

Here are some photos from the day;

CPR Third Make-up Practice

Third Make-up Practice

After practicing on myself I went back to my friends house to recreate the make-up on her and then take proper photographs to go in the frames on the walls of the set. I wasn't majorly happy with the final product but Chris said he could edit them on photoshop to make the colours more vivid and stand out.

Sunday 1 March 2015

CPR Second Make-up Practice

Second Make-up Practice

Dani and I met up to go shopping for props because we still didn't have a teaser or any make-up so we decided to go and look around charity shops and fancy dress shops. I bought some white face paint to use as a base and some coloured paint sticks but we couldn't find a teapot or cups. We wanted to look in Wilkinsons as I was sure we could find what we needed there because i had already looked online but it was closed when we got there. 

I practiced on myself when I got home with the white base and found that the eyeshadow and other make-up did show up a bit better and looked more unusual and so planned to do it again on my friend and then take some pictures with my DSLR to go in the picture frames we were going to put on the walls of the set.