Monday 9 March 2015

CPR First Filming Session

First Filming Session

We were first to film so we realised that since we had some final dressing of the set to do we didn't really leave ourselves enough time for the application of the makeup and we didn't actually decide who was going to be in it so Dani volunteered and Amy put some makeup on her while Harry, Chris and I added the flowers to the walls and used the small saucers that had been painted in a sort of mobile, tieing them with string and hanging them front a piece of wood over the corner of the set. Again, this was all to make the audience not know where to look because there would be so much going on and so much to look at. 

Harry set up the lights while Amy and I positioned the camera. We only wanted to get a couple of wide shots from one angle and hold it for a long amount of time to make it easier in the edit to use because we would be adding the smaller version of Dani. We got a couple of close-up shots of Dani's face, in hindsight this would have really emphasised the makeup had we had the time to really do it properly, and we got a couple of cloe-up shots around the set that we could use as cutaways.

We also had to use a Go Pro to film inside the teapot so we could use it in the edit to add to the greenscreen footage we will film next week. We put it in a teacup too and filmed Dani in the set from that angle so as to give the effect little Dani was looking at her and that was what was being captured but after reviewing the footage not only was it too low but there was a red flashing light on the front on the GoPro that you could see reflected on the ceramic. We plan to refilm inside the teapot again next week when we film the greenscreen stuff and just tape up the light. 

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