Monday 16 March 2015

CPR Green Screen Session

Green Screen Session

Today we were back in the workstation but in the greenscreen room and we needed to film Dani as if she was inside the teapot and then her falling out and then her standing up in the cup she had 'fell in'.

We started with a wide shot of Dani asleep on the floor and the standing up as if she didn't know where she was and was exploring her surroundings trying to climb up the sides and then seeing the light (the spout) and climbing towards it. We managed to fashion a slope out of stairs and lots of cushioning so Dani could climb up it without it obviously looking like stairs, and it wasn't high so she could fall off the end as if she was leaving the spout. 

We then spun the stairsa round and filmed on a side angle so we could use it against the wide shot of the set and make it look like she was coming out of the spout from the outside. 

The last shot we got was on her standing up and looking round and the focusing on one point and looking up and scared. This was so we could use it with a mask in front of a cup and make it look like she had fell in and was standing and surveying the set and then realising she was seeing a big version of herself.

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