Monday 17 February 2014

Liverpool - Day 1

Liverpool - Day 1

On the first day after we had met up and checked in to the hostel we decided not to waste any time and went straight out with a camera, a tripod and the sound equipment to get a feel for the city. We originally planned to get a variety of Recce shots on this day and then return to the hostel to plan properly for the remaining time. Although, we came across multiple buskers and decided it was an opportunity we couldn't miss. We only got chance to get a performance of a violinist and an interview and performance of a guitarist - Toby Parker. This was because we had a limited amount of time before we had to get back to the hostel for a tutorial with Debbie. 

Our confidence was boosted greatly by finding these buskers on our first day when we didn't intend to look for any then, and we were a lot more prepared for what to do the next day when we would find more. 

However, after our meeting with Debbie, she was still not confident that would would find all the contributors that we needed and felt that the interview we had wasn't long enough so we wouldn't have enough to work with when it came to editing it. We also discovered we had a problem with the sound from that day and it was pretty much unusable because some of the settings were wrong on the zoom. We could still use all the camera shots we had got, though. This was by no fault of our sound recordist, who had never really worked with a zoom on her own before and it was a learning curve for all of us so at least it happened on the first day and we realised then rather than when we got all the sounds back to Sheffield.

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