Tuesday 18 February 2014

Liverpool - Day 2

Liverpool - Day 2

On the second day, we met up fairly early so as not to waste the day. We went into the centre of town and had with us both cameras, the sound equipment and a tripod. We travelled into the centre of town but because it was still early there weren't many shoppers about. We found one busker who made clown animals and such out of balloons. and was dressed as a clown. We interviewed him and got shots of him making a dragon. As director, I made the decision to take everybody around Liverpool in a massive circle so we would return back at the centre for midday when it would be busier and so we wouldn't be wasting time we could get a variety of shots around the city to use to break up the interviews and create montages. 

We went through Liverpool 1, down towards the Albert Dock, round to ChinaTown and then back towards then centre through Bold Street. We got a great number of shots, from different angles as Rabia had the main camera (for interviews) and Andrew had the second at this point so they could get shots on both cameras. I instructed them both on the day as to what sort of shots I wanted and what I felt would work but by having two cameras there was always the opportunity for them to take initiative and find some shots of their own.

When we got back to the city centre we were glad to see it was as we expected a lot busier and we found what we wanted - buskers. On this day along with Ise the clown, we got an interview with Bolshy, a band of 6 and a performance, we got an interview and a performance from a trumpet player named Billy McGuiness and an interview and a performance from a guitarist called Ben Helm.

We returned to the hostel to review the footage and we pleased with what we had achieved despite not having the contributors ready before we got to Liverpool.

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