Wednesday 19 February 2014

Liverpool - Day 3

Liverpool - Day 3

On the third day we decided to go out again to find more buskers even though at the end of the second day we felt we had enough. I am glad we went out again because we found more buskers that provided even more variety and gave us more footage to work with which benefited Andrew when editing. We got one more interview on this day with a performance from a guitar player called Ian McIntyre who was from the city and gave us another viewpoint of why people busk; he has been in bands and writes music and found that busking was a great was to practice.

We also found another guitarist, a woman who played the keyboard, a bongo player who interacted with the audience, an amazing beatboxer called Shift and we saw two of the members of Bolshy again. We returned to the hostel extremely pleased with our haul of footage and sound and couldn't wait to get back to Sheffield to start editing. 

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