Thursday 6 February 2014

Pitch 2 - The Albert Dock

Pitch 2 - The Albert Dock

The second idea was to do with the Albert Dock and the expanding businesses there, and also focusing on the exhibition at Tate Liverpool called Welcome To My World. It features young artists from around Liverpool. This is the treatment for the second pitch:

'Liverpool stories' is a documentary film based around Albert dock and its significance towards art and culture within the city. Our documentary will follow the observational style and will feature and showcase the artwork of young people from 3 areas of Liverpool in collaboration with Joann Kushner. 'Welcome to My World' is an art show at the Tate which will be on during the time we are in Liverpool.
Our project will explore Albert Dock as a foundation to our film and we will include conventional interviews in a fly-on-the-wall style to show the audience the up and coming businesses and art shows around the dock and what the public think of them. We will start off the documentary by briefly interviewing people who are running small, local businesses around the area and see how art and culture scene has improved their profit. As well as this, our documentary will start off with an establishing shot of Albert Dock as well as shots of the boats and the businesses surrounding it. We plan to use a variety of cinematic techniques such as time-lapses and a montage of scenic shot to grasp the artistic Liverpool scene. We will contact an artist featured in the Welcome to My World gallery to get permission to interview her and ask her what it is like being a young artist in Liverpool and what inspired her artwork. We have also been in touch with the Tate Gallery in Liverpool, however, we have not received a reply from them yet.
Our documentary mode is going to have an Expository and Participatory style to it. The reason for this is because in our documentary we are planning to have voiceovers to get our messages across to our audiences, as well as narration to pin point some facts. In our documentary we are going to include some pictures and newspapers articles to inform our audiences, as well as this we will be including interviews with the public as well as an artist featured in the gallery. By doing this, we will be incorporating a variety of different visuals for the audience to see, which will keep the viewer hooked in our documentary while still successfully making it informative.
Art and Culture these days has a niche audience, especially as now many teenagers and young adults have adapted other hobbies, therefore our target audience will be a mature audience who understand art on a deeper level. However, this does not mean that teenagers and a younger audience cannot enjoy the documentary. This is because the gallery consists of work done by other students which may be able to inspire other young adults who are aspiring artists to showcase their work.

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