Wednesday 12 March 2014

Drama Project

Drama Project


Conor Allen-Roberts - Director
Sarah Rich - Producer
Saul Allerton - Cinematographer
Sebastian Wray - Sound Recordist
Tom Slater - Editor
Hannah Cross - Sound Design

The idea for the film, which Conor had already thought up was that;

A young woman looks longingly into a mirror at herself, we're led to assume in a depressed, incomplete way.

She decides to go on a jog, or to go to the local shop. On the way, she sees a man being mugged/ganged up on, etc. She stop and stares. Then suddenly, she runs at the muggers and beats them up, heroically defeating them and running off after being thanked by the victim, whom she saved.

We then cut back to when she was staring. The scene was all in her head. Again, she walks up the assailants, this time less confidently, and attempts to stop the mugging. She, herself, is turned on and beat up and left crippled on the street.

Cut again to her staring. This, again, was a fantasy, and a more realistic one at that. The girl then carries on walking, leaving the man to be mugged.
On her way she notices a man drop his shopping, and helps him pick it up. Alternatively, she could help an old woman cross the street, a man start up his car, whatever. Just a good, simple deed. The message behind the film is that, although we can't all be heros, we can all still do good.

The idea instantly made me think of Kick-Ass, with a particular scene in mind; where the main character tries to help someone for the first time and just gets beat up. At first I was unsure as to whether the idea was too similar to Kick-Ass, but after our first group meeting and we got to discuss the idea properly and gave our own inputs, I was excited to start the project. 

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