Thursday 6 March 2014

Editing Overview

Editing Overview

The editing process was long because, as director, I felt that each time we thought we had finished and no more could be added in fact it could and it could always be improved. We had a structure in mind when we left Liverpool but found that when editing it wasn't always easy to stick to what we originally planned. 

Debbie had told us in our tutorial in Liverpool that we should aim for 5 small portraits of different characters linked together with montage shots of the city; this being our own idea from the start. However when we had typed up the transcripts and reviewed the footage and sound files properly it was clear that this wouldn't be possible for a number of reasons. One was that we simply didn't have enough time to include everybody in small bits because it would move on from each person too quickly and would be difficult to link them together so it flowed, and the other main reason being that with the interviews, the buskers hadn't elaborated in the way we had hoped they would. As our voices as the interviewer wouldn't be heard we couldn't include answers that simply answered the question straight without including what we had asked in what they said. 

Andrew's first edit included Bolshy and Billy McGuiness because he felt he had the most to work with from those, but after reviewing it I felt there was two much from each person and the audience would be engaged at first but then lose interest as each person talked for a while. The next edit saw Ise the balloon maker in between the two but still there was too much talking and it wasn't how we had planned with little inserts from people rather than three separate interviews. After a tutorial with Debbie she agreed that the audience would loose interest if the film stayed as it was with the big chunky interviews, so after convincing Andrew it was a better idea he changed it again and split the interviews up, providing a much easier viewing. We agreed Ise wasn't relevant and that it focused more on music so to have him wouldn't fit, and he was replaced with Ian McIntyre. 

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