Tuesday 25 March 2014

Script Reading

Script Reading

Today we were told to have  a draft of a script ready for our seminar session with Martine as there would be three actors coming in - first year drama students - and they would be reading through our scripts to give us an idea of how proper actors would take to it and what feedback they could give us; as well as giving us the chance to direct real actors as some of us might not have had this opportunity.

We were - as a group - concerned about the script reading because we thought we would have no script, this was because our film didn't have any speech at this point. Apart from the mumbling and shouting in the mugging, Conor didn't want any speech. Sarah and Conor did the script for our reading, as soon as we heard the other group's scripts we realised ours was very different. When the actors had finished reading through it, they said that it was more like directions for the crew than for the actors as it involved a lot of camera instructions. We got to go through the script with the actors and they told us how to change it and where we could actually add in speech. They asked if we had considered adding a voice over as a sort of internal monologue for Lucy so the audience would get to know the character more; but we had considered this and already ruled it out as we felt it would seem sort of childish and we could show things on screen just as well as we could by saying things out loud in a voice over.

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