Saturday 29 March 2014



INT. Day, flat.


LUCY: ‘Infamous’. That’s my favourite game at the moment. It’s right good, you play as a man who gets superpowers, and you can choose to either use ‘em for good, or evil. I always choose good though. That’s what I’d do if I had superpowers.


Enter a girl of about seventeen; she looks withdrawn as she crosses over to the table in the room. The room is decorated with drawings.

There are games consoles around the flat; the flat looks lived in, maybe slightly messy.

It’s obvious they are either her drawings or they are ones that she has collected. On the table she continues her drawing as the voiceover carries on. She looks deep in concentration, her eyes tracing every movement her hand makes.

LUCY: People say I play games too much. And that I spend too much time drawing and that. I don’t get out enough, they say. I’m going out today, like, with my friends. Don’t want to, though, rather just stay here.

She picks up the finished drawing from the desk and places the piece of paper on the wall. She stands back to look at it, a somewhat awe-inspired look on her face.

Her phone rings, snapping her attention away from the drawing that she’s been sketching. She has a frown on her face as she does so, as if she has been interrupted.[Listening] MM, I’M SETTING OFF NOW.

LUCY: I wish I had superpowers.

She takes a last look at one of the pictures - a fight scene replicating the videogame ‘Infamous she was just talking about, but with her as the superhero - as she leaves the flat in a hurry, pulling on her shoes and coat in a typical last minute way.



Listening to music, the girl is walking along, once again in her own world. She has just put her headphones in and is oblivious. She passes by an opening and witnesses someone assaulting and mugging another person, who is on the ground. There is a moment where anything could happen.


The mugger pulls away from his victim, wallet in hand, and makes a break for the exit. The girl is the only thing in his way. Suddenly, the girl jets forward toward him and lands a righteous punch into the mugger’s chest. He stumbles back and steadies himself, before taking on a fighting stance. The girl chuckles to herself, a cocky grin on her face, and the two duke it out theatrically, with the girl eventually coming out on top. She takes many blows herself, but none seem to have left noticeable damage, not even a bruise or cut. The victim runs towards her, and she returns his wallet. He thanks her.

VICTIM: Thank you so much!

LUCY: No problem!

The girl then runs off triumphantly.

Cut back, she has not actually moved an inch and the mugger is starting to run towards her, like before. She still has the same, shocked expression on her face, the previous sequence being just a fantasy.   


This time, the girl runs forward again, albeit less keen. She attempts the punch from before but is easily stopped in her tracks by the mugger, and although they fight again for a moment the girl is at an obvious disadvantage. The blows she suffers seem to be effecting her greatly this time, too, to the point in which she drops to one knee from a blow to the head. The mugger then pulls out a knife and puts it to her throat as a warning. They share a tense moments before the mugger attempts a final escape, but as he does so the girl refusing to be beat, stubbornly grabs his leg and makes him fall to the ground. In frustration ad blind rage, the mugger quickly turns and stabs the girl in the stomach. She gasps, shocked and with wide eyes, before falling onto her back as the mugger pulls his knife from her belly and runs, leaving her for dead.

Cut back, once again she has not actually moved and the mugger knocks into her and past her as the victim shouts to stop them. Again, the previous happenings were a fantasy, this time more realistic. In her daze, the mugger runs right past her, shoving her as he goes. She blinks a few times as this happens, as if she is snapping backinto reality. As this happens, the victim runs up next to her and yells in frustration, his head in his hands, his nose bloody.

She goes over to attempt to console the person, placing a soft, supporting hand on his shoulder…

LUCY: I’m sorry…

…but she is shrugged off immediately, and the victim turns to her, angry and upset.

VICTIM: Why, we’re you planning on stopping him with your mind powers?

He storms off, and as he gets halfway he turns again and points at her.

VICTIM: You’re not a superhero, you know!

A moment passes where the girl is left on her own to reflect on what happened. She looks at her hands, then around her, a confused look on her face. Her phone rings again and she picks it up with the same dazed look.

LUCY: I won’t be able to make it anymore, something’s come up. Sorry.

She then puts down the phone and sets off quickly in the way she had come.



Back at the flat she shuts her door gently and looks up at the ceiling with a pained expression. She sits down in her living room chair and stares at the wall in a different expression, like it should not be the way it is. Her hands are on her lap, shaking, and her mouth is open as if gob-smacked in disbelief.

She tears up the picture she had previously put on the wall and takes down a few of her others in distress, then stares at the empty wall.

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