Tuesday 18 March 2014

Pitch & Tutorial

Pitch & Tutorial

Today we pitched our idea to the group and it was in my opinion received really well. We explained the story, the characters, the location and the sound we wanted in the film and how we wanted it to look, giving examples of similar films and styles to compare it to. We also showed some pictures of the location we planned on filming in.


After we had presented the idea, people asked questions and gave their opinions on it; including both positives and negatives. Some people were confused at first about the fantasy sequences and what would be real and what wasn't, but these were hard to explain. One main point that we took away from the session was that the ending was slightly weaker than the rest of the film so we should reconsider what would happen. We then had time to talk as a group before we had a short tutorial with Martine. She too said that the ending could be worked on, along with some character development as the focus is on Lucy - the girl, and so we as a group needed to work on her as a person and find out; - who she was
- what stands in her way
- what does she want.
Martine suggested that we were focusing too much on the fighting aspect of the film rather than Lucy, because after all the film is mainly about her and the fighting just comes after.

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