Friday 10 October 2014

DRAMA Group meeting - Character

Group meeting - Character

Today we met up to discuss our character - Dylan in more detail and decide on what emotion we wanted to portray in our two minute piece. We came up with the idea that the two minute piece would just show Dylan being bored in his bedroom, having a sudden idea and then him getting together all the things he needs to make his own spacesuit and so we decided the emotion that would work best was EXCITEMENT and JOY. 

We discussed how we would extend the idea for the longer five-ten minute piece and thought that the two minute could be something that has already happened and then right at the end of the longer piece the audience would find out why was doing that and it would be a flashback to before he makes the suit and to when he finds out that his dad has been killed, and the way his mum explains it to him is by saying something along the lines of 'Daddy's with the stars now' to try and help him understand what's happened; but Dylan doesn't understand and he takes it literally and thinks if he makes a suit and becomes an astronaut then he will be able to see his dad again.

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