Saturday 11 October 2014



I have been researching some different ideas for props over the past couple of days and doing some research into films that could influence me. We discussed how we intend the room to look (we are going to use Ellie's room as it is on the top floor and has a sky light) and that we need to make a university house look like a family home, and to make a teenage girls bedroom look like a young boys. We want the the room to have some suggestions that Dylan likes space in his room, but not that he is obsessed with it - he likes other things such as football, dragons and drawing. Beth found some old national geographic magazines that she ripped pages out of that we can stick up on the walls that have pictures of planets and the solar system. 

I suggested that we get some glow in the dark stars that you can stick on the ceiling - this is something that a lot of children have in their rooms whether they are into space or not and would be great to use them in some way in some of the shots. We also talked about other posters to fill the walls because obviously we can't change the colour scheme in the room, and so I intend to get other posters such as times tables and other educational posters that a parent has put up in a room. We need a lot of toys just to fill the space and so Ellie  is going to ask her cousin for some and I want to look in charity shops for some things to put around. We are considering getting a new duvet cover too unless we can borrow somebody's. 

The other thing I need to get materials for is to build the 'spacesuit' so I want to get tinfoil and I have a cardboard box to use, and then we are going to collect different types of bottle tops to stick on, and we need glue and other craft supplies. We also need to do some drawings that a child might have done to stick around the room.

One last thing is a large sheet and a torch as we could include a den, I think it would look visually pleasing along with the glow in the dark stars contrasted with the shadows the torch would create.

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