Tuesday 28 October 2014

SKILLS Group Meeting

Group Meeting

Today we had our first meeting as a group to discuss ideas, decide what to do about roles and ensure we were prepared and knew what we were doing for the recce in Grindleford.

We decided not to book out any equipment as I have a dslr for pictures and we mainly just wanted to explore the area and try to plan how the space could work for us.

We discussed the brief and Josh had the idea of the two characters being creative people; for example a writer and a poet who both leave the city and go to Grindleford for inspiration for their work - however as one of them is consumed in the area and their work, the other believes they are being followed by them. We then needed to come up with a pivotal point in the narrative - we called the writer person A and poet person B for the time being so we weren't confused; so A is the one who thinks they are being followed by B, but B is oblivious, and because A is so paranoid they end up following B around instead. We thought B could injure themselves and A see this but doesn't know whether to help as they think this person is stalking them.

For that part of the narrative we wanted to source a place in Grindleford that looked dangerous but we were able to film in realistically, such as a bridge or steep hillside etc.

We planned for our sequence shot to be through the trees with A following B, we would track them and possibly use a dolly.

For colour we thought B could be lit in a different way - possibly red so the audience pick up signals that they should be suspicious of that character and to show that A is worried about them and thinks they are some sort of a threat.

The POV would be mostly from A as they are the one following in the end.

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