Saturday 18 October 2014

DRAMA Meeting Louis

Meeting Louis

Today we had a meeting at Ellie, Beth and Kirean's house to look at the room we would be using and to meet Dylan. Before him and his mum got there, we had a short meeting to discuss what we needed to tell him and what his mum needed to know and then to organise our first shooting day; as well as going upstairs to look at Ellie's room which helped me plan out what I hoped the room would look like. I tried to visualise how the room would look without all Ellie's things in and with boys toys and posters in it. Seeing the size and shape of the room helped. When Louis and his mum arrived we all introduced ourselves and what our role in the film would be and then gave them both a copy of the script to read through and answered any questions they had about either the story or the actual filming days. Louis' mum was confused about how the story worked and Louis explained it himself before we got chance so he clearly understood the film and was excited about working with us as we were with him - he seemed bubbly and not shy and said he loved acting.

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