Wednesday 22 October 2014

DRAMA Tutorial


We had a short tutorial with Chris today to see how we were getting on with or pre-production and it seems we are ahead of some of the other groups and a lot more organised than we had expected to be. We showed him our storyboards and told him about meeting up with Louis and that all that needed to be done was to find the mum actress - although she wasn't needed until the final shooting day - and to get all the props sorted. Chris told us to thing a lot about lighting and to consider using tinfoil to blackout the skylight as the natural light coming through might pose a problem as the filming day goes on and the light changes. He also talked about making sure we let the excitement BUILD not just for it to be a sudden change as it would be more effective; this is what we intended to do anyway. I told Chris what props I intended to order and Ellie said she would speak to her cousin about using some toys, as well as asking Louis to bring some of his toys as well - this was more practical than for me to buy lots of new toys or look round charity shops.

We also had a response to the StarNow advert and think this actress would be perfect for the role;

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