Tuesday 11 November 2014

DRAMA Colour Correction and Animation

Colour Correction and Animation

We had discussed on the Facebook group the possibility of animating the title ans Valerie said that she had a friend who might be able to help us and do it. I imagined something like in the old Tracey Beaker series where the cartoon drawings of Nick Sharratt were brought to life.

Ellie posted some pictures of astronaut cartoons as idea for Valerie and her friend to work with and I think we both have the same sort of idea of how we imagine it could look. I f we were all a lot more competent I think the film would look amazing with animation throughout so when he is imagining going to space there would be cartoon drawings floating around his head etc.

For the colour correction the idea was to make the film very warm to aid the theme of excitement and the vivid colours would create this effect.

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