Wednesday 12 November 2014

SKILLS Outline of our Idea

Outline of our Idea

Here is the brief outline Josh typed up after the last meeting;

A young female writer is stuck for ideas on what to write for her next book. She gets a lot of fan mail, and one particular piece of mail is a postcard of a wooded area 'Grindleford'. On the back it reads 'if you ever need to relax from your super fan'. Though creped out by the postcard, she decides to go to Grindleford to try finding some inspiration. Outside the train station, she passes a young man, the view then switches to the young mans POV (point of view), and he follows her to Grindleford. Once they get there, the writer begins to explore occasionally sitting on a rock or standing by a stream, taking notes on different things she could use in her book. The young man follows her this whole time hiding behind trees and logs as to avoid detection. He is nearly caught twice due to twigs snapping and knocking stones into a stream. We see that this fan is incredibly nervous from his facial expressions, terrified to meet his hero. At one point the super fun trips and falls in such a place where he can see the writer but the writer can't see him. The writer hears the fall and turns, but cannot see anything. She turns and leaves, which from the super fans POV, his hero has just blatantly ignored him and blanked him, and is visibly distraught. He manages to get himself back to Sheffield by himself, yet is bitter over his idol. Some months later, the writer has released her new book. the super fan, scarred by the incident doesn't read her work anymore, however a family friend has sent the new book to him in the post. Out of curiosity, the super fan opens the book to find this written in the dedication column. '...and finally to my super fan, who helped me relax and set my ideas free'. This establishes that he sent the postcard, and the writer has unknowingly made him a happy man. He closes the book with a satisfied smile.

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