Wednesday 19 November 2014

DRAMA Meeting - Planning the final shoot

Meeting - Planning the final shoot

Today we planned our final shooting day. Unfortunately I will not be able to be there as I have already arranged to go home and it is the only time I can do so, and I am gutted I will miss the last day but it cannot be helped. We needed to set up half of the room again - pretty much just the area of the bed so putting the posters up again as Dylan's mum would sit with him on the bed and look to the glow in the dark stars and tell him what has happened, and then we need to film downstairs in the living room and kitchen and plan the three shot between Dylan, his mum and the police officer who comes to the house. I needed to get some props for the final shoot, this included a high vis jacket for the officer and some sort of flashing blue police light. 

When I was searching for the jacket it crossed my mind that all of the jackets would just look like a builder had appeared at the door as the group didn't want me to get any sort of a policeman's hat, and we didn't have a badge either so I felt like the audience would just be confused. I suggested to Ellie that we just ask the actor to wear a suit, as if a family member had died and a member of the police came to tell the family, I would of thought they would send somebody higher in the ranks than just a uniformed officer. 

Also, I think the man in the suit would look more daunting to Dylan and give the ominous effect of what was to come rather than a bright yellow jacket. As for the light, I searched Ebay but they were all very expensive and I was conscious not to spend more than we needed to - considering the film is supposed to be virtually no budget anyway. I had a light in the flat that didn't flash but could be different colours and suggested we just use that and wave card in from of it, as the light itself wouldn't be shown just the coloured effect on Dylan's face.

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