Sunday 9 November 2014

DRAMA Playground Recce - Location Two

Playground Recce - Location Two

We needed to decide where to film on our second day and so Beth went on Google Earth to find some playgrounds around the city and I pointed out that one of them was right next to my flat and so it would be ideal to film there because we could stop at mine for a break and it was close to the ampitheatre so we wouldn't have the travel far with Dylan and all the equipment. We decided in the end to use both Holberry playground which is near where Ellie lives and Duchess Road which is the one by me to make the most of all the equipment, as we want to use a roundabout which isn't in the one near me and the slide, dome and climbing frame in the Duchess Road playground, so as long as we are careful not to show too much of the surrounding area or the railings I think it will be okay.

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