Tuesday 25 November 2014

SKILLS Filming Day Two - Indoor

Filming Day Two - Indoor

We had our second day of filming today, doing the indoor city scenes involving both characters but mostly Lucy. We planned to pick up the equipment and head to the train station to film a few shots including a sequence shot. From there we would head to my flat where we would film Lucy's scene and then on to Issy's house for Callum's, however when we got to mine we decided that we didn't need to use a separate location for Callum because all of his shots were very close up and didn't give anything away about his surroundings and so to save time we did it all at mine.

We intended to get shots of Lucy struggling to write and her being frustrated about her writers block, then she would discover the postcard and decide to go to Grindleford. I think we got the shots we needed however it will depend on how it looks after the first edit whether we will need more, maybe some shots of her in different places and positions around the flat to show time passing in between her trying to write rather than just in one place - although we got a long shot it might not look like she has been trying for as long as we are intending to show.

The shots of Callum were just close-ups of him writing the postcard he will put under her door and then him opening the book which will feature after the Grindleford sequence.

I tried to make the flat look a bit more like a writer lived there by asking the rest of the group for some books etc we could put on the shelves which Josh brought. Also, Issy and I wrote a few things on some sheets of paper to cover up my board with pictures on, and also to emphasise the fact that she was thinking of ideas and didn't know where to start, so we included lots of notes and mind maps and stuck them around.

While some of the team were filming shots I put together the book that Lucy has supposed to have written and that Callum buys later on in the film. We had a meeting yesterday and afterwards Billy, Amy and I went the edit suite so Billy could transfer the footage from our first filming day and Amy and I could create the postcard and the book cover to make the idea more realistic. So I used one of Josh's books that he brought and attached the makeshift cover to that, as well as the dedication page.

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