Friday 28 November 2014

SKILLS First Edit - Rough Cut

First Edit - Rough Cut

After we had finished filming the indoor scenes and Billy and I had stayed to capture some sounds while it was quieter we met the rest of the group in the edit suite and transferred the footage to Billy's hard drive, we discussed when we would edit and I suggested that for the first rough edit where we would just be sifting through what clips we can use and roughly what order everything would be in we didn't need everyone there chipping in. I said I would really like to have a go at editing as I am not as confident on the new software and this is where we have a bit more room for mistakes as we would be changing a lot of it later on but gave me a chance to get to grips with the controls etc without getting on everyone's nerves and having the time to experiment.
Billy and I agreed to come in together and do this first cut. We came into university on a few occasions over the days after the second shooting day but numerous problems prevented us from transferring footage and accessing a computer. We managed to get in today and did this edit in one go. As we were working through the edit, we soon discovered that we may need to have an extra shooting day as parts of the film didn't flow as well as we had hoped. Thankfully, it was mainly the city scenes that were the problem and is just a case of reshooting a couple of things in my flat, for example more shots of Lucy struggling to write, as I had feared we might need more emphasis on.
I made some notes on what we need to shoot again and we posted the edit in our Facebook group and it received good feedback, the next step is to arrange the last bit of filming.
I am looking forward to further editing sessions and working with the rest of the group, and also learning more about the colour correction and other aspects of post production as I think we can experiment more with the element of colour. I think we shot emphasise the bright nature colours in Grindleford such as the orange leaves in the above shot and dull down the city shots.

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